How to Join ANZSPM

Membership is open to Registered and Retired Medical Practitioners.

ANZSPM welcomes enquiries or applications for membership from prospective members. Our members are medical practitioners who either practise or have an interest in palliative medicine. All applicants must be proposed by a financial member of the Society (the proposer must be a Full, Honorary Life or Retired member), and all applications need to be approved by ANZSPM Council. Please note an associate member, trainee member or student member is not eligible to be a proposer. 

Scroll down to find the right membership for you!

Australian Full Member

Choose this membership category if:

  • you are a registered medical practitioner in Australia
  • you can demonstrate an interest in Palliative Medicine, through clinical practice, research, education or administration.

Annual fee AUD $540 inclusive of 10% GST

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Aotearoa New Zealand Full Member

Choose this member type if:

  • you are a registered medical practitioner in Aotearoa New Zealand and
  • you can demonstrate an interest in Palliative Medicine, through clinical practice, research, education or administration in Palliative Medicine.


Annual fee AUD $490 inclusive of 15% GST

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Australian Associate Member

Associate Members do not have voting rights and will be ineligible to hold Office.  Choose this membership category if you are an Australian medical practitioner and do not wish to have full membership rights but wish to contribute to and learn more about the practice of Palliative Medicine. You may be a: 

  • Specialist with another clinical focus
  • General Practitioner 
  • Medical Officer 
  • Registered Medical Practitioner based in a country other than Australia or New Zealand 


Annual fee AUD $240 inclusive of 10% GST

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Aotearoa New Zealand Associate Member

Associate Members do not have voting rights and will be ineligible to hold Office.  Choose this membership category if you do not wish to have full membership rights but wish to contribute to and learn more about the practice of Palliative Medicine. You may be a: 

  • Specialist with another clinical focus
  • General Practitioner 
  • Medical Officer 
  • Registered Medical Practitioner based in a country other than Australia or New Zealand 

Annual fee AUD $290 inclusive of 15% GST

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Australian Trainee Member

Choose this member type if you are medical practitioner in Australia and:

  • you are training to be a specialist
  • you have completed training within the past 12 months (or a longer period at discretion of Council) and are in transition from a trainee to a specialist role.

Annual fee AUD $240 inclusive of 10% GST

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Aotearoa New Zealand Trainee Member

Choose this member type if you are medical practitioner in Aotearoa New Zealand and:

  • you are training to be a palliative medicine specialist
  • you are undertaking a diploma in palliative medicine in order to focus on palliative medicine in your role as a General Practitioner
  • you have completed training within the past 12 months (or a longer period at discretion of Council) and are in transition from a trainee to a specialist role.

Annual fee AUD $220 inclusive of 15% GST

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Australian Retired Member

ANZSPM greatly values the senior members within our Specialty and warmly encourages continued involvement and contribution. Choose this membership category if you have been a full member of ANZSPM for at least 10 years (or a shorter period at discretion of Council) and:

  • you are no longer registered to practice as a Medical Practitioner
  • you are a current registered Medical practitioner retired from full-time practice.

Annual fee AUD $170 inclusive of 10% GST

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Aotearoa New Zealand Retired Member

ANZSPM greatly values the senior members within our Specialty and warmly encourages continued involvement and contribution. Choose this membership category if you have been a full member of ANZSPM for at least 10 years (or a shorter period at discretion of Council) and:

  • you are no longer registered to practice as a Medical Practitioner
  • you are a current registered Medical practitioner retired from full-time practice.

Annual fee AUD $180 inclusive of 15% GST

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Australian Student Member

Choose this memberhip type if you are enrolled at a recognised tertiary institution in Australia studying full-time to become a medical practitioner and have an interest in palliative medicine.

Student members will not have voting rights and will be ineligible to hold office.

On completion of their studies, student members shall be entitled to transfer their membership to Full or Associate membership, having regard to their individual circumstances.  

Annual fee AUD $75 inclusive of 10% GST

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Aotearoa New Zealand Student Membership

Choose this memberhip type if you are enrolled at a recognised tertiary institution in New Zealand studying full-time to become a medical practitioner and have an interest in palliative medicine.

Student members will not have voting rights and will be ineligible to hold office.

On completion of their studies, student members shall be entitled to transfer their membership to Full or Associate membership, having regard to their individual circumstances.  

Annual fee AUD $80 inclusive of 15% GST

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