RRIPM’s 2024 Round Table Workshop - February 2024

Curious about what was achieved at the Rural and Remote Institute of Palliative Medicine Round Table workshop held in Canberra recently?

With valuable contributions from many organisations and people working in this space, the RRIPM Project is forging ahead to establish a specialist palliative medicine training network across rural Australia.  

Activities on the day covered everything from hearing about the challenging reality for people dying in outback Australia to vision-building for a better system and diving deep into the "how."

Small group discussions tackled big topics like leadership, education, building capacity, relationships, and workforce planning.

Additionally, recommendations and the next steps toward shaping and defining the RRIPM Roadmap 2025-2030 were mapped out.

Read the Proceedings of the RRIPM Round Table Workshop HERE. Carry on the conversation by contacting: [email protected]

Back Row L to R: Margaret Deerain, Dr Jo Risk, Leanne Wells, Blake Macdonald, Camilla Rowland, Joe Hooper, Dr Louis Christie, Raylene Cox, Gareth Boylan, Josh Fear, Dr Christine Sanderson, Dr Ruth Stewart, Prof Martin Veysey, Prof Mark Boughey, Ian Bell, Dr Lea Currie, Dr Suzanne Rainsford, Karen Motyka.

Front Row L to R: Dr Odette Spruijt, Lesley Reilly, Jodie Clarkson (seated), Ann Mawhinney, Bronwyn Raatz, Theresa Pot, Dr Chi Li.

RRIPM’s Scoping Review

Beyond the 'Burbs: Specialist Palliative Medicine Training in Rural Australia – A Scoping Review addresses the workforce sustainability challenges faced by rural palliative medicine specialists and calls for collective action to enhance specialist training in rural Australia.

The key to delivering palliative care excellence in the bush lies in creating opportunities to train the next generation of rural palliative medicine specialists in the bush!

Read the Scoping Review Consultation Paper HERE

Contribute to the discussion at: [email protected]

Advanced Training in Palliative Medicine – Results of Trainee Survey

In November 2023, the RRIPM Project Team conducted a survey that was advertised on various platforms and was open for 20 days.

A sincere thank you to all the palliative medicine trainees who contributed their time and effort to completing the survey. Their candid responses have provided a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances that shape the training journey, and have revealed insights into the rewards, barriers, preferences, and aspirations that influence the choices of palliative medicine professionals.

The results of the Trainee Survey can be read HERE.

The survey’s more detailed findings have been included in the Scoping Review (see above) that has been prepared for wider examination and to fuel discussions aimed at reshaping the rural palliative medicine training landscape.


 Beyond the 'Burbs: RRIPM Webinar 

Dive into the insights from the RRIPM webinar held on Friday 8th December 2023. 

Missed the discussion or wish to reflect further on the challenges of Palliative Medicine in regional, rural, and remote Australia?

The panel revealed some of the hurdles faced by specialists and trainees, highlighting the urgent need for a Rural and Remote Institute of Palliative Medicine. The take home message was crystal clear: innovation is key to fostering and supporting a robust Palliative Medicine workforce across every corner of this vast and beautiful country.

Click HERE to access the webinar recording and stay informed. 


January / February2024

RRIPM Update January - February 2024